Articles on: Product Management

How to configure shipping options for a specific product

Custom shipping method for a product

Would you like to configure custom shipping rules for any of your products? For example, for a specific product, you can set up the following rules:

If the order is from the United States, then select ePacket as the shipping method.
If the order is from the Canada, then select AliExpress Standard Shipping as the shipping method.
If the order is from the Brazil, then select Seller's Shipping Method as the shipping method.

This tutorial covers how to set up shipping rule for a specific product. If you want to set up global shipping rules, read configure global shipping rules.

Creating shipping rules

Make sure that you are logged in to your account and that the product is added to Nimble.

Select product to configure

Head to "Products" > "My products" and press the truck icon beside the product you want to customize.

Add custom shipping rules

Press the "+ Add option" button to create a new rule for a specific country.

Two drop-down boxes will be created, the first one is for the target country, and the second is the shipping option to select.

You can add as many rules as you want. For example, if you select "United States" in the first select drop-down menu and "ePacket" in the second one, all orders for the selected product that are from the united states will be ordered with the ePacket shipping method from AliExpress.

If a shipping option is unavailable, Nimble will fallback to the global shipping algorithm that you have configured.

Saving your changes

Once you are happy with your changes, press the "Save changes" button to save your rules.

Congratulations! Nimble will now select your preferred shipping method when fulfilling orders.

Deleting shipping rules

If you would like to delete a shipping rule, all you have to do is press the "-" icon beside the rule to be deleted.

That's all, and don't forget to save your changes!

Updated on: 08/08/2020

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