Articles on: Order Management

What are "Closed" orders on AliExpress and how to deal with them?

Finding "closed" orders in your Nimble account can be confusing, especially if it's order you already paid for previously.

In this article, we will explain what closed orders are and what you can do about them.

Important: Make sure that you are logged in to your AliExpress account before following the steps below.

What are closed orders?

Sometimes AliExpress orders can have the "Closed" status appearing even though the product hasn't been delivered to the customer yet.

Here are a few common reasons for that:

The order wasn't paid for and expired. (most common)
The supplier cancelled the order due to shipping issues.
AliExpress closed the order for security reasons.

If an order was paid for and has been closed, AliExpress will automatically issue a refund within 10-20 days.

What happens when one of my orders is closed?

Closed orders are annoying, especially when they happen at random intervals for many dropshippers and AliExpress customers. Luckily, dealing with them is an automatic process using Nimble.

Once you pay and fulfill an order, Nimble will automatically track the order periodically to find the tracking ID that will be sent to the customer.

If Nimble detects that an order has been closed, it will automatically be restarted and you will be prompted to fulfill the order once more.

How can I fulfill closed orders?

Rest assured, you are not double paying for closed orders as you will get a refund from AliExpress.

When a closed order is detected, Nimble will create a new copy of the order on AliExpress. To ensure that your customer receives their order, you must pay for the new order as well.

Find your closed orders.

login to your Nimble account, and navigate to "Orders" > "Closed" to view a list of all closed orders..

Review closed orders.

You can now see the previous closed AliExpress transaction ID, and also the new AliExpress transaction along with the price of the order.

Review any one of the transaction IDs by clicking on the respective link.

Pay for the closed orders.

Select the orders that you want to pay and press "Bulk pay selected". A new window will open up on AliExpress.

Press the "Verify Orders" button and wait until the "Pay Orders" button is available.

Proceed with paying the orders on AliExpress as usual thereafter.

Mark order as paid.

Once you're done paying the orders on AliExpress, return to the previous Nimble tab.

Mark the orders as paid by pressing the "Fulfill orders" button.

That's it! The order will now be tracked as usual.

Updated on: 18/01/2021

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